These innovative partnership grants are designed to fund three groundbreaking collaborative projects, each aimed at tackling a critical issue in Bolton:

Find out more at our Meet the Funder – Standing Together Partnerships Online Briefings, which have been recorded and made publicly available at your convenience:


Key Aspects of the Standing Together Partnership Grants:

Lead Organisation: Each partnership will need to identify one lead organisation, who will be responsible for collating and submitting the monitoring and evaluation of this project.

Read the Guidelines by using the links below:




Warm wishes to you from the Bolton CVS team

We know the festive period and New Year can be difficult. Here is some information of support available over this period should you, or someone you know, need it. More information can be found in the ‘Find a Group’ function on our website and across our social media platforms.

If you’re feeling depressed or lonely this Christmas, don’t suffer in silence.
There are plenty of helplines available for support: