Want to recruit volunteers?

You can upload your own volunteering opportunities by clicking here!

If you would like to recruit volunteers, click on the above link and submit it to us. We will promote your opportunity on our Volunteering Portal.  Opportunities will be uploaded onto our Volunteering Portal until the closing date. If you wish to extend the date or would like to remove any opportunities, please e-mail volunteering@boltoncvs.org.uk.

Please note that opportunities must be approved by a member of the Bolton CVS team and as such may take up to 3 working days to appear on the website. If you cannot see your opportunity after 3 days, please get in touch by emailing volunteering@boltoncvs.org.uk.

Support with volunteer management

We can support you to develop your volunteer opportunities, recruiting volunteers, managing volunteers, ensuring volunteering a positive experience for your organisation and your volunteers. Email volunteering@boltoncvs.org.uk for more information.

Volunteer Development Network

This is a bi-monthly opportunity to network, learn and share knowledge about recruiting, managing and retaining volunteers. Attendees can highlight topics to be included and guest speakers from both local and national organisations help to develop knowledge, face challenges and share best practice. Book yourself onto the next Volunteer Development Network meeting.

Bolton Volunteer Charter

The Bolton Volunteer Charter (BVC) is a pledge that volunteer involving organisations can sign up to.  It shows their commitment to developing and upholding good practice around all aspects of volunteering.  The pledge can also be used to promote the work of your organisation and to recruit new volunteers.

To sign up to the Bolton Volunteer Charter you must submit the Deep Dive Volunteering Health Check.  This must be submitted with evidence of your good practice.  If you have any further questions or require support with your application, please do not hesitate to contact us volunteering@boltoncvs.org.uk.

Get in touch with our volunteering team:

Give us a ring on: 01204 546010