The organisation’s themes: Citizenship/Community Development, Education and Personal Development, Emotional Wellbeing, Environmental Protection or Improvement, Keeping Active and Involved, Leisure and Hobbies, Mental Wellbeing, Play and Children's Activities, Support for People with Learning Disabilities, Support for People with Physical Disabilities, The Arts/Arts and Crafts
Who the organisation is for: Children with Additional Needs, Families (Parents and Children Together), Looked-After Children and Young People, Parents/Single Parents, Young Children (aged 0 -12), Young people (aged 13-25), People experiencing mental health issues
Organisation description: MEMORABLE OUTDOORS EXPERIENCES The aim of Forest Frontiers & Forest School is to work with a variety of individuals in the outdoors over a period of time, introducing responsible risk‐taking and fostering achievement in all participants. Children are supported in their learning through an holistic approach which encourages the exploration of the outdoor environment and an appreciation for nature. Our team use learning and teaching strategies which develop confidence, emotional resilience, independence, language and communication skills and increase levels of physical activity and mental well‐being.
Where the organisation operates: Unsure
Location: 8 Bardsley Close, Harwood, Bolton, BL2 4AU
Phone: 07949684917