Reach Out Autism

The organisation’s themes: Being Included/Social Inclusion, Education and Personal Development, Emotional Wellbeing, Equality and Diversity, Health, Keeping Active and Involved, Mental Wellbeing, Support for People with Learning Disabilities

Who the organisation is for: Young people (aged 13-25), Parents/Single Parents, Families (Parents and Children Together), Men and Women, People experiencing mental health issues, Carers

Organisation description: Reach Out Autism is an organisation with a focus on black minority ethnic community (the parents &carers, support personnel, the society and directly the individuals diagnosed with the autism spectrum conditions We want what we gain through our services and service users be a voice and part of the bigger picture, inform good practice, build into small waves of change, and grow to be influence bigger and impactful for all those who are in need. We advocate for their needs to be heard and be implemented when change or support is created thus getting equity for autistic people and getting them live their lives to the fullest, included in the community and afforded the opportunity to contribute to their own community. The aims and objects of the organisation are: -To raise awareness and acceptance of autism spectrum condition -To promote and advance empowerment, inclusivity, bridge cultural and background barriers of those affected and living with the condition-Increased awareness and acceptance of autism spectrum condition especially in the BAME. We meet our aims and objectives by created activities and events for autistic people, their parents and carers and for other organisations and the society at large. Our activities include autism awareness, understanding, acceptance and empowerment events, independent living skills support and training, outreach support, social activities/groups, training and information and advocacy.

Where the organisation operates: Unsure

Location: 36 Valpy Avenue, Bolton, BL2 3AP


Phone: 07861759617


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