The organisation’s themes: Ageing Well, Being Included/Social Inclusion, Emotional Wellbeing, Health, Keeping Active and Involved, Mental Wellbeing, Music, Support for People with Learning Disabilities, Support for People with Physical Disabilities, The Arts/Arts and Crafts
Who the organisation is for: All, Carers, Men and Women, Older people, People experiencing mental health issues, People with learning disabilities, People with physical disabilities
Organisation description: Think Cre8tive Group is a social enterprise committed to improving people's health and wellbeing through singing. Contributing to research on using the arts for health, we have no membership limitations (apart from the host organisation, e.g. age, condition). "No audition, no backing track, no seating plan, no homework" - we just sing - together. This is because of the existing and growing research that shows that singing has specific benefits for a range of serious health conditions including the NHS Core 5: Maternity care, Severe Mental Health, Respiratory Disease, Cancer and Hypertension.
Where the organisation operates: Unsure
Location: 3 Brailsford Road, Bolton, BL2 3AB
Phone: 07834239495