The organisation’s themes: Emotional Wellbeing, Being Included/Social Inclusion, Citizenship/Community Development, Digital inclusion, Education and Personal Development, Equality and Diversity, Health, Human Rights, Mental Wellbeing, Unemployment/Employment
Who the organisation is for: Young Children (aged 0 -12), Young people (aged 13-25), Looked-After Children and Young People, Parents/Single Parents, Families (Parents and Children Together), Only Men, Only Women, Older people, People experiencing mental health issues, Carers, People identifying as LGBTQ+, People from minority ethnic communities, Refugees and asylum seekers, People experiencing Unemployment, People experiencing Homelessness, People experiencing housing issues, Victims / survivors of crime, People affected by Domestic Abuse and Violence, Offenders / Ex-offenders
Organisation description: We share people's inspirational stories to encourage people to never give up. To help people realise the power of their own stories, whilst raising awareness about issues within our society such as: homelessness, racism, living with a disability, overcoming illnesses, poverty, women's rights, mental ill health, sexuality, organ donation and addiction. We also organise events for the wider community and the cities we work in and deliver inspirational workshops bringing in inspirational guests show casing values such as: resilience, building trust, communication, leadership, teamwork, self care, sense of purpose, dealing with self doubt, health, mental wellbeing.
Where the organisation operates: Unsure
Location: 53 -5 7 Castle Street, Longworth Lane, Bolton, BL2 1AD
Phone: 07799160739