Social Shift CIC

The organisation’s themes: Being Included/Social Inclusion, Citizenship/Community Development, Emotional Wellbeing, Equality and Diversity, Faith and Faith Communities, Human Rights, Digital inclusion

Who the organisation is for: Men and Women, People from minority ethnic communities, People experiencing mental health issues, Refugees and asylum seekers

Organisation description: Social Shift CIC stands at the crossroads of digital advocacy and community empowerment. Through tailored social media strategies, we amplify the impactful messages of businesses, charities, and fellow non-profits, ensuring they echo in every corner of the digital realm. Our commitment to sharing authentic narratives is underscored by our interviews, where we spotlight the tenacity and triumphs of community stalwarts. Our podcasts further this narrative, creating a symphony of voices advocating for change. Recognizing the potential of our youth, we offer professional development for young individuals and university students, ensuring their readiness to join the workforce. With a fervent passion for social justice, we don’t just tell stories; we champion causes, striving to form a society where justice, opportunity, and community spirit thrive in harmony.

Where the organisation operates: Central and Great Lever

Location: 86 kenyon lane, 86 kenyon lane, manchester, M40 9DH


Phone: 07884226411


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