Kadenza Women's Choir

The organisation’s themes: Ageing Well, Asylum Support, Being Included/Social Inclusion, Citizenship/Community Development, Domestic Abuse and Violence, Education and Personal Development, Emotional Wellbeing, Environmental Protection or Improvement, Equality and Diversity, Faith and Faith Communities, Health, Housing and Homelessness, Human Rights, Keeping Active and Involved, Leisure and Hobbies, Mental Wellbeing, Music, Physical Activity, The Arts/Arts and Crafts

Who the organisation is for: Parents/Single Parents, Only Women, Older people, People with physical disabilities, People experiencing mental health issues, Carers, People identifying as LGBTQ+, People from minority ethnic communities, Refugees and asylum seekers, People experiencing Unemployment, People experiencing Homelessness, People experiencing housing issues, Victims / survivors of crime, People affected by Domestic Abuse and Violence, Tenants and residents

Organisation description: Kadenza is a community choir for women. We sing for health and wellbeing, to combat loneliness, and for fun. Our songs reflect women’s issues, the environment, peace and understanding and we sing songs from our own and other countries, with a mix of genres including folk, pop, and original compositions. We are based in Horwich but our membership comes from all over Bolton.

Where the organisation operates: Horwich & Blackrod

Location: Horwich Resource Centre, Beaumont Road, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 7BG

Email: moira.k.hill@btinternet.com

Phone: 01204 699673

Website: http://www.kadenzachoir.co.uk

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