astley bridge park bowling club

The organisation’s themes: Mental Wellbeing, Physical Activity, Sport, Supporting Public Services

Who the organisation is for: All

Organisation description: 2. Aims & Objectives The aims and objectives of The Club shall be: 2.1 A recreational and social club for bowling and other sports and pastimes, played in the spirit of good sportsmanship, fellowship and companionship. 2.2 To provide an environment that will benefit all members of the community, and to give the opportunity to maintain and improve the outlook and health of all who care to be members of The Club. 2.3 To provide facilities for the Community of Bolton and surrounding areas in accordance with aims set out at 2.1. and to provide and maintain facilities so that non-members can enjoy them and be encouraged to join The Club. 2.4 To explore funding and sponsorship opportunities to enable The Club to be fully self financing so that maintenance and improvement of existing facilities can be continued. 2.5 To work alongside other agencies to provide recreational and social club facilities as set out at 2.1.

Where the organisation operates: Unsure

Location: moss bank way, bolton, BL18NP


Phone: 07505320612


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