Funding Opportunities

Monthly Funding Bulletin, read this months latest funding opportunities locally, regionally and/or nationally  – Click here to view.

Below are some external funding opportunities that may be appropriate for your group.

If you need help or guidance, please see our Funding support page for ways we can help you.  Get help and support around funding or a funding application

Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

Assistance and support is available with putting together your quality funding bid. Please find the details below of who to contact in your area and get in touch to see how we can work with you to help you achieve a successful application.

Contact our funding team for support on finding grants
Please also let us know if you are successful in securing funding as a result of spotting an opportunity in our bulletin!

Funding Bulletin May 2024

The funding is intended for registered charities working with people in need (by reason of financial hardship, sickness, disability, other disadvantage or distress) in the UK.

Grant amount: There are two levels of grants:
• Up to £5,000 for garden projects
• Up to £10,000 for building or indoor projects.

Applications are open till 15th of November 2024.

Application process: The guidance notes and FAQs can be found here.

To apply Click Here

The fund aims to support women most impacted by poverty and the cost-of-living crisis. As a result, organisations and/or services supporting the following groups will be prioritised:
• Women experiencing racial inequality
• Disabled women
• Women with No Recourse to Public Funds
• Women that are the sole parent to children under 18 years
• LGBTQ+ communities experiencing financial insecurity.

Click here to find out more

Application close 21st of June

If you are looking for a funding search engine to help you find funds which may be suitable for your project ideas, we recommend My Funding Central which is a free service for organisations with an income of less than £30,000. For organisations with a higher income, annual subscription starts from only £50

UKSPF Community Grants is a GMCA-funded programme to allow voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector groups and housing associations to launch local community projects to help disadvantaged, including unemployed, economically inactive people to take the next steps towards further education and inclusive employment through support with digital skills, literacy, raising confidence, self-esteem, key skills and mental and physical health.

Applications are open from the 22nd of March 2024.

UKSPF Community Grants Strand 1 Round 2 March 2024 FINAL pdf

Click here to find out more

The Fore offers unrestricted funding to small charities across the UK that are making a big impact and who want to significantly grow, strengthen, become more efficient or resilient. The national funding programme is open to any sector and region within the UK with particular interest in grassroots organisations working with underserved communities.
Unrestricted grants of up to £30,000 spread over one to three years are available. In addition, non-financial support such as access to a network of skilled, pro-bono volunteers, online training workshops and seminars are available to successful charities for life.

Application opens from 28th of March till 4th of April 

Find out more on how to apply here

Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

10GM Funding Bulletin April 2024

The Trust was established in 1909 and is a registered charity.  Its beneficial area includes the Borough of Bolton in recognition of the Scott family’s previous residence in Bolton, and their strong interest in the philanthropic work in the town.

The aim of this Trust is to support projects which help disadvantaged people or communities in Bolton, or provide for the relief of poverty.

Who can apply?

Only registered charities, or not-for-profit organisations who are in the process of becoming a charity, will be considered. Organisations must be operating in Bolton and beneficiaries of grants must be within the Borough of Bolton.

Grant size

Grants of between £250 and £3,000 are available. The Trust usually makes up to 20 charitable donations a year.

Closing date

Applications are considered at Trustee meetings held in early April, August and December.  The deadline for applications is four weeks before each meeting.

Find out more

Applications welcome from children and young people’s groups, elderly peoples groups, health and care related, education and training etc, focus on target groups and areas in need. Organisations must be operating in Bolton Borough and beneficiaries of grants must be within the Borough of Bolton.

Who can apply?

The grants are open to all individuals, community groups and non-profit organisations within Bolton.

Grant size

Up to £1,500

Closing date

The deadline for the next application will be 14th March 2024.

Find out more

The programme offers both an unrestricted grant and tailored support aimed at helping to strengthen charities and build the knowledge, skills and capabilities of staff and trustees.

The programme is intended for registered charities and charitable incorporated organisations operating mainly in England and/or Wales who are helping people living in England and/or Wales

Applicants must be providing in-depth services in one of the following eight themes: Addiction, Asylum Seekers and Refugees, Care Leavers, Domestic Abuse, Homelessness, Offending, Sexual Abuse and Exploitation, Trafficking and Modern Slavery.

Who can apply?

Registered charities and charitable incorporated organisations operating mainly in England and/or Wales who are helping people living in England and/or Wales may apply. (Have an annual income of between £25,000 and £500,000 in their last published accounts within the last 12 months)

Grant size

Unrestricted grants of £75,000 for three years are provided alongside a range of tailored development support.

In addition, grants of up to £500 are available for groups who need accessibility support to apply for this programme. The grant will help fund the cost of support, such as a scribe or BSL interpreter.

Closing date


Find out more

A brand-new UK-wide digital service for organisations applying for government grants could save up to £270 million through efficiencies and fraud prevention. The first of its kind Find a Grant service offers a free central place on GOV.UK for business, individuals and organisations to find and apply for government grants. Each year government awards over £50 billion in general grant funding. Government grants can be awarded from anything from improving local housing, to funding innovative new research into advanced fuels and digital technologies, or providing better sports facilities and youth centres for communities. For further information, click here 


CABWI aim to support young people and adults to gain additional skills and confidence to enter the labour market. They fund grants through the work of their operating company, which provides vocational qualifications and assessment for the construction and water industries.

Who can apply?

Registered charities, CICs, Co-operatives and Social Enterprises across the UK.

Grant size

Grants of up to £35,000 are available, however there are restrictions depending on income, and they do not fund projects with an income of more than £1 million.

Closing date

6 pm on 19th February 2024.

Find out more

In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been found and reported that the level of investment and support for freelancers, independent creatives, artists, musicians, and performers across the arts could be improved, with many freelance artists leaving the sector.

Following extensive consultation, the need for a focused, small investment into the creative sector was highlighted. This led to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) establishing the Culture Fund to support the regrowth and strengthening of the creative sector in Greater Manchester.

Who can apply?

You may be a musician who would benefit from a new instrument, a small group who needs funds to expand your wardrobe or replace costumes, or a freelance artist who wishes to upskill via a training course.

The GMCA Culture Fund: Inspire is designed to support Greater Manchester-based:

  • Freelance artists
  • Independent creatives, artists, musicians, and performers
  • Small creative arts organisations (less than £100k turnover)

Grant size

Individuals or groups may submit applications for £500 – £2,000

Closing date

  • Round 1 Friday 1st March 2024 12:00 noon
  • Round 2 Friday 31st May 2024 12:00 noon
  • Round 3 Friday 1st November 2024 12:00 noon
  • Round 4 Friday 30th May 2025 12:00 noon
  • Round 5 Friday 31st October 2025 12:00 noon

Find out more

The Hedley Foundation funds small to mid-size UK registered charities helping to improve the quality of life of people in the UK, with a focus on initiatives that benefit the lives of young people, people living with disabilities, older people, the terminally ill and otherwise disadvantaged people and their carers.

Who can apply?

Registered charities, CICs, Co-operatives and Social Enterprises across the UK.

Grant size

Grants between £250-£5,000

Closing date

24th April 2024 (The Trustees meet four times per year to review grant applications. These should be received in good time before each meeting and at least 6 weeks before the meeting date)

Find out more