Voluntary and Community Sector Forum

Representatives from the Voluntary and Community Sector Forum sit on the Bolton Vision Partnership which oversees the Bolton Community Strategy, meaning that the feedback you give and the discussions we have will be fed directly to the people who make change happen.

The Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise Forum forum aims to bring together people from a wide representation of voluntary and community groups to discuss issues and enable a collective voice.

We welcome all representatives who are Members of Bolton CVS and part of Bolton’s wider Voluntary and Community Sector to join us at the forum to connect with their peers and have sight of key conversations happening across Bolton.

  • Share your group’s information with others.
  • Exchange knowledge and experience with your peers.
  • Voice ideas, opinions and issues concerning your group.
  • Enables partnership working with other organisations.
  • Obtain information about the latest developments affecting the voluntary, community, and social enterprise groups.
  • Have the opportunity to liaise with statutory organisations such as Bolton Council and discuss their service provision and how it might benefit your group.



Warm wishes to you from the Bolton CVS team

We know the festive period and New Year can be difficult. Here is some information of support available over this period should you, or someone you know, need it. More information can be found in the ‘Find a Group’ function on our website and across our social media platforms.

If you’re feeling depressed or lonely this Christmas, don’t suffer in silence.
There are plenty of helplines available for support: